Personal Injury

My medical bills are going to collections and I am really getting frustrated, what can I do?

Hospitals previously held emergency room bills until the car accident claim was resolved before requiring payment. However, many hospitals are now refusing to hold bills and want to put the patient on a payment plan even before the patient has been compensated by the insurance company. The reason is because the auto accident process is […]

My medical bills are going to collections and I am really getting frustrated, what can I do? Read More »

Language should not be a barrier to representation.

At Omena Law Firm we provide legal representation to everyone even if English is not your first language. With the help of professional translators, we provide legal services to Spanish, Chinese, French, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Korean, German, and Turkish speakers to mention a few. Language should not be a barrier to effective legal representation. If you

Language should not be a barrier to representation. Read More »

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