
Visit to South Korea

Back in January 2022, some of you may remember sharing about my obsession with Korean dramas thanks to Netflix. Last year, I took my curiosity to the next level and traveled to South Korea with my long-time bestie, whom I’ve known since 7th grade.  Eager to experience different cultures and parts of the country, we

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Conversations with Chinwe by Sola Oluborode

What would you say to someone who’s considering starting their own private law firm? I would say it’s a lot of fun because you’re creating, you’re building something. But you have to know yourself. Some people don’t mind working in the unknown, having faith, and building something, and knowing it would work. That’s what entrepreneurs

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Conversations with Chinwe

Can you believe we are in the final month ofthe year?! Apart from the holidays, December oftenbrings introspection. In this month’s Conversations,reflecting on her journey, Chinwe has some advice forthose interested in entrepreneurship, as well as amessage for those of us seeking to live our best, mostfulfilling lives. Hope you’ve got your journal ready fornotes!

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