As promised, this month, we’re shifting the conversation to talk about Chinwe’s proudest moments in her career. It makes sense that in the most incredible month of the year (August, if there’s any confusion), we are discussing the highlights! These were points along the journey that reassured our esteemed legal queen that she was on the right path. You are going to love these stories. Let’s jump right in!
Okay, proudest moment!
Proudest moment, I don’t have one. I have a few!
Okay, let’s hear ’em!
There was a couple who came to my office to hire me for a criminal case for a relative. And they just happened to tell me they were in an accident a year before, where they were both hit by a drunk driver in their car, and I was like, “The insurance company compensated you right?” They go, “What is that?” I was like, “You get an injury claim. Were you injured?”, “Yes. Nobody ever told us that.” A year later, Solape?!
So, can you imagine, the statute of limitation for car accidents – three years – the insurance company will have sat down, let time pass, and would have given them nothing! I’m sitting there going, they came for one, there’re actually two cases here! I filed an injury case for each of them and got them money they were not expecting. They have sent me so many clients it’s ridiculous. So that was the proud moment. That woman prayed for me! Whaaaat?! It’s those kinds of moments I’m like, I’m doing something! <laughs> For real, if I didn’t know before, I’m doing something!
Conversations with Chinwe
By Sola Oluborode